the installation also very easy. Most customers all like the folding riser of
mobile stage for the convinient
transport. The apprearance is very nice compared to other portable
stage, do you think so? High standard material and production make it outstanding in this
industry, we always stick to provide better quality for our customers. Are you interested in it? Please just feel
free to contact us if any need.
RK-high quality folding stage
used portable stage with hot welcome in
our local market and all over the world, portable
stage for event, for wedding, for concert, etc.
China's hottest portable stage for event at here. Most popular industrial material platform, non-slip,easy clean,fire
resistant. Foldling riser with
light weight. Adjustable guard
rail, more practical. Easy
install and carry. The platform
and riser is seperately, saved much space and time when transport.
High quality stage from RK
addition, as far as possible recycling portable
stage building materials,
and is also one of the effective way to advance environmental protection and
energy saving. At present, set
the mobile
stage is the most commonly
used aluminum, which not only can be recycled, but also conducive to
environmental protection. Even the paper substitutes, more conducive to the
realization of environmental protection.
Hot sale lighting stage roof truss system
the build time of the portable
stage arevery short, and the space is relatively
limited, but it needed materials and produce the final waste are very
impressive. In order to
minimize the stage set up in the garbage, in the design of the time in advance
to do a good job planning; and on the portable
stage is built to carry out
strict management; even when removing the stage to do a good job in the early
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